
Builder's guide : mixed-humid climates : a systems approach to designing and building homes that are healthy, comfortable, durable, energy efficient, and environmentally responsible.

Builder's guide : mixed-humid climates : a systems approach to designing and building homes that are healthy, comfortable, durable, energy efficient, and environmentally responsible.
Lstiburek, Joseph W.
Introduction -- The house system -- Part I. Design: -- 1. Design -- 2. Rain, drainage planes and flashings -- 3. Air barriers -- 4. Insulations, sheathings and vapor retarders -- 5. Wall design -- 6. Roof design -- 7. Foundation design -- 8. Creatures and dust control -- Part II. Construction: -- 9. General contractor -- 10. Concrete and excavation -- 11. Framing -- 12. HVAC -- 13. Plumbing -- 14. Electrical -- 15. Insulation -- 16. Drywall -- 17. Painting -- Part III. Alternatives to wood frame construction: -- 18. Insulating concrete forms (ICF) -- 19. Structural insulated panel systems (SIPS) -- Appendices: -- I. Design data -- II. Air leakage testing, pressure balancing, and combustion safety -- III. Best practices for high performance homes in mixed-humid climates -- IV. Transfer grille sizing charts -- V. Additional resources -- VI. Glossary.

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TH4813 .L77 2005Available