The good people : new fairylore essays /
- Title:
- The good people : new fairylore essays /
- Format:
- Book
- Institution:
- MassArt
- Contents:
- I. Regional fairylore. The Lutin tradition in French-Newfoundland culture: discourse and belief / Gary R. Butler. Fairylore from the Midlands of Ireland / Patricia Lysaght. Fairies and the supernatural on Reachrai / Linda-May Ballard. Balquhidder revisited: fairylore in the Scottish Highlands, 1690-1990 / Margaret Bennett. Trolls, hillfolk, Finns, and Picts: the identity of the good neighbors in Orkney and Shetland / Alan Bruford. Ballads of otherworld beings / David Buchan. Fairylore: memorates and legends from Welsh oral tradition / Robin Gwyndaf -- II. Fairy belief and religion. The fairy belief and official religion in Ireland / Diarmuid O Giollain. Rites of passage as meeting place: Christianity and fairylore in connection with the unclean woman and the unchristened child / Ann Helene Bolstad Skejlbred -- III. Fairies and the folklore of disability: changelings, hybrids, and the solitary fairy / Susan Schoon Eberly. The invisible made visible: the fairy changeling as a folk articulation of failure to thrive in infants and children / Joyce Underwood Munro. "The Blast" in Newfoundland fairy tradition / Barbara Rieti -- IV. The social functions of fairylore. Witches and fairies: supernatural aggression and deviance among the Irish peasantry. Newfoundland berry pickers "In the fairies": maintaining spatial, temporal, and moral boundaries through legendry / Peter Narvaez -- V. Fairylore and popular culture. The Cottingley fairies: the end of a legend / Paul Smith. The tooth fairy: perspectives on money and magic / Tad Tuleja. The making of an icon: the tooth fairy in North American folklore and popular culture / Rosemary Wells -- VI. Semantics and epistemology. The semantics of the word Fairy: making meaning out of thin air / Noel Williams. Between one eye blink and the next: fairies, UFOs, and problems of knowledge / Peter M. Rojcewicz.
- Online access:
- No online access
- Library holdings:
MassArt Main
GR550 .G66 1997