
Short stories by Latin American women : the magic and the real /

Short stories by Latin American women : the magic and the real /
Lesley Sherrill
An act of vengeance / Isabel Allende -- Sophie and the angel / Dora Alonso -- Asthmatic / Helena Araujo -- The tree / María Luisa Bombal -- Culinary lesson / Rosario Castellanos -- The end of a struggle / Amparo Dávila -- In heaven / Guadalupe Dueñas -- Shoes for the rest of my life / Guadalupe Dueñas -- The child that never was / Maria Virginia Estenssoro -- A poisoned tale / Rosario Ferré -- Blame the Tlaxcaltecs / Elena Garro -- The last emigrant / Nora Glickmann -- The Virgin's passion / Lucía Guerra -- Berkly or Mariana of the universe / Liliana Heker -- Knight, death and the devil / Vlady Kociancich -- The cove / Luisa Mercedes Levinson -- Looking for some dignity / Clarice Lispector -- In the family / María Elena Llano -- Symbiotic encounter / Carmen Naranjo -- The midgets / Olga Orozco -- A gentleman on the train / Antonia Palacios -- Breaking the speed record / Cristina Peri Rossi -- Big-bellied cow / Nélida Piñón -- To seize the earth / Josefina Pla -- Park cinema / Elena Poniatowska -- The story of a cat / Teresa Porzencanski -- Death and transfiguration of a teacher / María Teresa Solari -- The tale of the velvet pillows / Marta Traba -- Up among the eagles / Luisa Valenzuela -- Penelope's silver wedding anniversary / Rima de Vallbona -- Cloud cover Caribbean / Ana Lydia Vega -- The IWM 1000 / Alicia Yáñez Cossío.

Online access:
No online access
Library holdings:
Lesley/EDS-Sherrill Library Main Stacks
PQ7087.F5 S46 2003Available