
LW 410: Opera & the Fusion of Arts (Literature and Writing: Cohen)

LW 410: Opera & the Fusion of Arts
Cohen, Joshua
Literature and Writing


Available online:
  1. (Boyden) "Baroque Opera: Vivaldi to Handel" from The Rough Guide to Opera
    Link to PDF
  2. (Boyden) "Glossary" from The Rough Guide to Opera
    Link to PDF
  3. (Boyden) "Opera since World War II" from The Rough Guide to Opera
    Link to PDF
  4. (Boyden) "The Age of Romanticism: Cherubini to Bel Canto Opera" from The Rough Guide to Opera
    Link to PDF
  5. (Boyden) "The Birth of Opera: Monteverdi to Purcell" from The Rough Guide to Opera
    Link to PDF
  6. (Boyden) "The Era of Modernism" from The Rough Guide to Opera
    Link to PDF
  7. (Boyden) "The Reformation of Opera: Gluck to Mozart" from The Rough Guide to Opera
    Link to PDF
  8. (Boyden) "Verdi, Wagner and their Contemporaries" from The Rough Guide to Opera
    Link to PDF
  9. (Boyden)"Opera in Transition: The Generation of Puccini, Massenet and Dubussy" from The Rough Guide to Opera
    Link to PDF