
HART 315-01: Medieval Manuscripts (Art History: Givans)

HART 315-01: Medieval Manuscripts
Givans, Duncan
Art History


On reserve at a library:
  1. Alone of all her sex : the myth and the cult of the Virgin Mary / Marina Warner.
  2. Art of illumination : the Limbourg brothers and the Belles heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry / Timothy B. Husband.
  3. Artists of the Winchester Bible / introd. by Walter Oakeshott.
  4. Bedford Hours : the making of a medieval masterpiece / Eberhard König.
  5. Bible moralisée : Codex Vindobonensis 2554, Vienna, Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek / commentary and translation of Biblical texts by Gerald B. Guest.
  6. Book of Durrow : a medieval masterpiece at Trinity College Dublin / Bernard Meehan.
  7. Book of Kells : an illustrated introduction to the manuscript in Trinity College, Dublin / Bernard Meehan.
  8. History of illuminated manuscripts / Christopher De Hamel.
  9. Illuminating the end of time : the Getty Apocalypse Manuscript / with a commentary by Nigel J. Morgan.
  10. Illustrated Beatus : a corpus of the illustrations of the Commentary on the Apocalypse / John Williams.
  11. Image on the edge : the margins of medieval art / Michael Camille.
  12. Imagining the past in France : history in manuscript painting, 1250-1500 / Elizabeth Morrison and Anne D. Hedeman ; with contributions by Élisabeth Antoine [and others].
  13. Introduction to manuscript studies / Raymond Clemens and Timothy Graham.
  14. Lindisfarne Gospels / Janet Backhouse.
  15. Medieval book : catalogue of an exhibition at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University / by Barbara A. Shailor.
  16. Medieval dress & fashion / Margaret Scott.
  17. Medieval illuminators and their methods of work / Jonathan J.G. Alexander.
  18. Medieval women : voices & visions / edited by Eleanor Jackson & Julian Harrison ; foreword by Kate Mosse.
  19. Meetings with remarkable manuscripts : twelve journeys into the medieval world / Christopher de Hamel.
  20. Mirror in parchment : the Luttrell Psalter and the making of medieval England / Michael Camille.
  21. Pictorial arts of the West, 800-1200 / C.R. Dodwell.
  22. Prayer Book of Charles the Bold : a study of a Flemish masterpiece from the Burgundian Court / Antoine de Schryver ; English translation by Jessica Berenbeim.
  23. Scribes and illuminators / Christopher De Hamel.
  24. Seeing medieval art / Herbert L. Kessler.
  25. Uta Codex : art, philosophy, and reform in eleventh-century Germany / Adam S. Cohen.
  26. Women and the book : assessing the visual evidence / edited by Lesley Smith and Jane H.M. Taylor.
Available online:
  1. (Alexander) "Chapter 2: Technical Aspects of the Illumination of a manuscript" from Medieval Illuminators and their methods of work
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  2. (Alexander) "Chapter 3: Programmes and instructions for Illuminators" from Medieval Illuminators and their methods of work
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  3. (Avrin) "Chapter 14: On the Eve of Printing" from Scribes, Script and Books
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  4. (Avrin) "Chapter 8: Latin Script" from Scribes, Script and Books
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  5. (Bucklow) "Chapter 2: The Metz Pontifical" from The riddle of the image.
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  6. (Bucklow) "Chapter three: Vermilion: towards the Philosophers' stone" from The alchemy of paint
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  7. (Camille) " 'For our devotion and pleasure' : The sexual objects of Jean, Duc de Berry" from Art History April 2001 v. 24, no. 2.
    Link to Art & Architecture Source article
  8. (Camille) "Seeing and reading: some visual implications of medieval literacy and illiteracy" from Art History
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  9. (Camille) "The "Très Riches Heures": An Illuminated Manuscript in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" from Critical Inquiry Autumn 1990, Vol. 17, No. 1.
    Link to JStor article
  10. (Capon) "Extreme Bookbinding - a fascinating preservation project in Ethiopia" from Skin Deep, v. 26, Autumn 2008
    Link to website
  11. (Carver) "Chapter 1: Why that? Why there? Why then? the politics of early medieval monumentality" from Image and Power
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  12. (Clark) "The influence of the Limbourg brothers in France and the Southern Netherlands, 1400-1460" from The Limbourg brothers
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  13. (Clemens) "Ch. 1: writing supports" from Introduction to manuscript studies
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  14. (Cohen) "Ch. 1: the historical background, Uta and the Codex" from The Uta Codex
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  15. (de Hamel) "Chapter 8: Books for collectors" from A history of illuminated manuscripts
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  16. (Donovan) "Chapter 4: The Book of Hours in thirteenth-century England" from The de Brailes Hours.
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  17. (Emmerson) "Chapter 3: Beatus apocalypses and Spanish monasticism" from Apocalypse Illuminated
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  18. (Farr) "Chapter 2: Folio 202v, the Temptation of Christ" from The Book of Kells
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  19. (Ganz) "Chapter 3: Mass production of early medieval manuscripts: the Carolinigian Bibles from Tours" from The early medieval bible
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  20. (Heslop) "The production and artistry of the Bury bible" from bury St Edmunds
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  21. (Higgitt) "Chapter 5: Meanings and diversions in the decoration of the Book of Hours" from The Murthly Hours
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  22. (Holladay) "The education of Jeanne d'Evreux: personal piety and dynastic salvation in her Book of Hours at the Cloisters" from Art History
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  23. (Hull) "Chapter 2: Panels and layout" from Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Art
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  24. (Inglis) "Chapter 4: Nation-Building" from Jean Fouquet and the Invention of France.
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  25. (Joslin) "Chapter 7: General conclusion" from The Egerton Genesis
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  26. (Kingsley) "Chapter 3: Sight" from The Bernward Gospels
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  27. (Kogman-Appel) "Bible illustration and the Jewish tradition" from Imaging the Early Medieval Bible.
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  28. (Kogman-Appel) "Chapter 7: Designing the messages of the Sephardic picture cycles" from Illuminted Haggadot from Medieval Spain.
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  29. (Meehan) "Chapter 5: Physical features of the book" from The Book of Kells
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  30. (Morgan) "Chapter 1: Illustrated apocalypses of mid-thirteenth-century England" from The Trinity Apocalypse
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  31. (Morgan) "Introduction and Techniques of Illumination" from The Douce Apocalypse
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  32. (Nash) "Chapter 1: Book production and the Arts in Amiens in the 15th century" from Between France and Flanders
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  33. (Netzer) "Observations on the influence of Northumbrian art on continental manuscripts of the 8th century" from The Age of Migrating Ideas
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  34. (Newman) "Chapter 6: The visionary texts and visual worlds of religious women" from Crown and Veil
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  35. (Panayotova) "Ch. 1: colour in illuminated manuscripts" from Colour
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  36. (Panayotova) "Making an illuminated manuscript" from The Cambridge Illuminations
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  37. (Penketh) "Chapter 14: Women and Books of Hours" from Women and the book
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  38. (Petersen) "Part I: Early techniques of book sewing and bookbinding used in Egypt" from Coptic Bookbindings in the Pierpont Morgan Library
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  39. (Proctor-Tiffany) "Chapter 4: The queen's manuscripts and identity" from Medieval art in motion
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  40. (Pulliam) "Chapter 3: Human heads in the minor initials + plates" from Word and image in the Book of Kells
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  41. (Rudolph) "Chapter 4: The visual vocabulary of violence and daily life" from Violence and daily life
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  42. (Smith) "Chapter 4: Functions of the Book of Hours" from Art, identity and devotion in fourteenth-century England
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  43. (Stevick) "Chapter 13: Some forms based mainly on arithmetical proportion" from The Earliest Irish and English BookArts.
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  44. (Stevick) "Chapter 7: Forms starting from two golden rectangles" from The Earliest Irish and English Bookarts.
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  45. (Stevick) "Chapter 9: Some other forms employing the Golden Ratio" from The Earliest Irish and English BookArts.
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  46. (Stevick) "High cross design" from Pattern and purpose in insular art
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  47. (Stopford) "Section 1: Parts 2-8" from Medieval Floor Tiles of Northern England
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  48. (Verkerk) "Chapter 3: Principal Narratives" from Early medieval bible illumination
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  49. (Walker) "Chapter 3: The sacred text made visual" from Views of Transition
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  50. (Winstanley) "Tsbook (Tisgrinya for good) - The Gospel of Abba Garima" from Skin Deep, v. 23, Spring 2007
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  51. (Withers) "Chapter 1: Manuscript as medium" from The Illustrated Old English Hexateuch
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  52. (Wusterfeld) "Utrecht Psalter Catalogue" from The Utrecht Psalter in Medieval Art
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