
HART 285: History of Photo (Art History: Gorke)

HART 285: History of Photo
Gorke, Niklas
Art History


On reserve at a library:
  1. Camera lucida : reflections on photography / Roland Barthes ; translated from the French by Richard Howard.
  2. Classic essays on photography / edited by Alan Trachtenberg ; notes by Amy Weinstein Meyers.
  3. Exposure : Mary Ellen Mark : the iconic photographs / introduction by Weston Naef.
  4. History of Japanese photography / Anne Wilkes Tucker [and others] ; with essays by Iizawa Kōtarō, Kinoshita Naoyuki ; edited and translated by John Junkerman ; executive coordinator, Ishiwata Maya ; coordinators for the Japan Foundation, Imai Rie, Kur
  5. Illuminations / Walter Benjamin ; edited and with an introduction by Hannah Arendt ; translated by Harry Zohn.
  6. Illuminations : women writing on photography from the 1850s to the present / edited by Liz Heron and Val Williams.
  7. L. J. M. Daguerre : the history of the diorama and the daguerreotype / by Helmut and Alison Gernsheim.
  8. Last picture show : artists using photography, 1960-1982 / Douglas Fogle.
  9. Out of the shadows : Herschel, Talbot & the invention of photography / Larry J. Schaaf.
  10. Painting, photography, film / Laszlo Moholy-Nagy ; with a note by Hans M. Wingler and a postscript by Otto Stelzer ; translated by Janet Seligman.
  11. Pencil of nature.
  12. Photographic theory : an historical anthology / edited by Andrew E. Hershberger.
  13. Photography : the whole story / general editor, Juliet Hacking; foreword by David Campany.
  14. Photography in the modern era : European documents and critical writings, 1913-1940 / edited and with an introduction by Christopher Phillips.
  15. Photography is magic / Charlotte Cotton.
  16. Photography, essays & images : illustrated readings in the history of photography / edited by Beaumont Newhall.
  17. Short guide to writing about art / Sylvan Barnet, Tufts University.
  18. World of Atget / by Berenice Abbott.
Available online:
  1. (Arago) "Report of the Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, July 3, 1839" from Classic Essays on Photography
    Link to PDF
  2. (Barakeh) "The Untitled Images" from Cinema Journal, v. 57 no. 4, Summer 2018.
    Link to JStor article
  3. (Baudelaire) "Photography" from Photography: Essays & Images
    Link to PDF
  4. (Benjamin) "The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction" from Illuminations
    Link to PDF
  5. (Browning) "On the Daguerreotype" from Illuminations
    Link to PDF
  6. (Cameron) "Annals of my glass house" from Photographic Theory.
    Link to PDF
  7. (Cotton) "Constants become Variables" from Photography is Magic
    Link to PDF
  8. (Emerling) Photography, History and Theory - ebook.
    Link to ebook
  9. (Foote) "The Anti-Photographers (1976)" from The Last Picture Show
    Link to PDF
  10. (Gernsheim) "Excerpt from The Invention of Photography" from J.M. Dauguerre: The history of the diorama and the dauguerreotype
    Link to PDF
  11. (Moholy-Nagy) "Introduction, and Photography" from Painting Photography Film
    Link to PDF
  12. (Rodchenko) "The paths of modern photography" from Photography in the Modern Era.
    Link to PDF
  13. (Schaaf) "Excerpt: pgs. 75-76, 95, 154" from Out of the Shadows
    Link to PDF
  14. (Southworth) "The early history of photography in the United States" from Photography: Essays & Images
    Link to PDF
  15. (Stieglitz) "Pictorial Photography" from Photograpy: Essays & Images
    Link to PDF
  16. (Stieglitz) "The hand camera - its present importance" from Photographers on Photography
    Link to PDF
  17. (Talbot) The Pencil of Nature - ebook
    Link to ebook through Project Gutenberg
  18. (Tucker/Friis-Hansen/Ryuichi/Joe) "Photographs, pgs. 15-56" from The History of Japanese Photography
    Link to PDF
  19. (Wallis) "Black Bodies, White Science: Louis Agassiz's Slave Daguerreotypes" from American Art, v. 9, no. 2 (Summer 1995).
    Link to JStor article
  20. (Winogrand) "Monkeys make the problem more difficult: an interview with Gray Winogrand" from Image, July 1972.
    Link to article on website