HART 285: History of Photo (Art History: Gorke)
- Course:
- HART 285: History of Photo
- Institution:
- MassArt
- Instructor:
- Gorke, Niklas
- Department:
- Art History
- On reserve at a library:
- Camera lucida : reflections on photography / Roland Barthes ; translated from the French by Richard Howard.
- Classic essays on photography / edited by Alan Trachtenberg ; notes by Amy Weinstein Meyers.
- Exposure : Mary Ellen Mark : the iconic photographs / introduction by Weston Naef.
- History of Japanese photography / Anne Wilkes Tucker [and others] ; with essays by Iizawa Kōtarō, Kinoshita Naoyuki ; edited and translated by John Junkerman ; executive coordinator, Ishiwata Maya ; coordinators for the Japan Foundation, Imai Rie, Kur
- Illuminations / Walter Benjamin ; edited and with an introduction by Hannah Arendt ; translated by Harry Zohn.
- Illuminations : women writing on photography from the 1850s to the present / edited by Liz Heron and Val Williams.
- L. J. M. Daguerre : the history of the diorama and the daguerreotype / by Helmut and Alison Gernsheim.
- Last picture show : artists using photography, 1960-1982 / Douglas Fogle.
- Out of the shadows : Herschel, Talbot & the invention of photography / Larry J. Schaaf.
- Painting, photography, film / Laszlo Moholy-Nagy ; with a note by Hans M. Wingler and a postscript by Otto Stelzer ; translated by Janet Seligman.
- Pencil of nature.
- Photographic theory : an historical anthology / edited by Andrew E. Hershberger.
- Photography : the whole story / general editor, Juliet Hacking; foreword by David Campany.
- Photography in the modern era : European documents and critical writings, 1913-1940 / edited and with an introduction by Christopher Phillips.
- Photography is magic / Charlotte Cotton.
- Photography, essays & images : illustrated readings in the history of photography / edited by Beaumont Newhall.
- Short guide to writing about art / Sylvan Barnet, Tufts University.
- World of Atget / by Berenice Abbott.
- Available online:
- (Arago) "Report of the Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, July 3, 1839" from Classic Essays on Photography
Link to PDF
- (Barakeh) "The Untitled Images" from Cinema Journal, v. 57 no. 4, Summer 2018.
Link to JStor article
- (Baudelaire) "Photography" from Photography: Essays & Images
Link to PDF
- (Benjamin) "The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction" from Illuminations
Link to PDF
- (Browning) "On the Daguerreotype" from Illuminations
Link to PDF
- (Cameron) "Annals of my glass house" from Photographic Theory.
Link to PDF
- (Cotton) "Constants become Variables" from Photography is Magic
Link to PDF
- (Emerling) Photography, History and Theory - ebook.
Link to ebook
- (Foote) "The Anti-Photographers (1976)" from The Last Picture Show
Link to PDF
- (Gernsheim) "Excerpt from The Invention of Photography" from J.M. Dauguerre: The history of the diorama and the dauguerreotype
Link to PDF
- (Moholy-Nagy) "Introduction, and Photography" from Painting Photography Film
Link to PDF
- (Rodchenko) "The paths of modern photography" from Photography in the Modern Era.
Link to PDF
- (Schaaf) "Excerpt: pgs. 75-76, 95, 154" from Out of the Shadows
Link to PDF
- (Southworth) "The early history of photography in the United States" from Photography: Essays & Images
Link to PDF
- (Stieglitz) "Pictorial Photography" from Photograpy: Essays & Images
Link to PDF
- (Stieglitz) "The hand camera - its present importance" from Photographers on Photography
Link to PDF
- (Talbot) The Pencil of Nature - ebook
Link to ebook through Project Gutenberg
- (Tucker/Friis-Hansen/Ryuichi/Joe) "Photographs, pgs. 15-56" from The History of Japanese Photography
Link to PDF
- (Wallis) "Black Bodies, White Science: Louis Agassiz's Slave Daguerreotypes" from American Art, v. 9, no. 2 (Summer 1995).
Link to JStor article
- (Winogrand) "Monkeys make the problem more difficult: an interview with Gray Winogrand" from Image, July 1972.
Link to article on website